Text to Give
1. Text the amount you would like to give to 84321 using your Smart phone
2. Click on the web link, find "Faith Journey Church of the Nazarene", and complete the information requested to register you phone number and give your first gift.
3. Text 'Help' to 84321 to receive a message that tells how to make future gifts by just texting.
General fund = Text any amount to 84321
Missions = Text amount followed by "missions" to 84321
Faith Promise = Text amount followed by "faithpromise" to 84321
Digital Missions = Text amount followed by "digitalmissions" to 84321
Building = Text amount followed by "building" to 84321
Growth = Text amount followed by "growth" to 84321
You can also split donations between funds in a single text by listing the amounts and fund names for each fund. (For example: "$5 missions $6 building")