2023-08-13 Can You Hear Me Now- Dear Laodicea
2023-08-06 Can You Hear Me Now - Dear Philadelphia
2023-07-23 | Can You Hear Me Now - Dear Sardis | Pastor Rodney Amos
2023-07-16 | Can You Hear Me Now-Thyatira | Pastor Rodney Amos
2023-07-09 Can You Hear Me Now-Pergamum | Pastor Rodney Amos
2023-07-02 | Can You Hear Me Now-Dear Smyrna | Pastor Rodney Amos
2023-06-25 | Can You Hear Me Now-Letter to Ephesus |Pastor Rodney Amos
2023-06-18 | Do You Want To Get Well | Pastor Mark Else
2023-06-11 Opinionated or Connected | Pastor Rodney Amos
2023-06-04 | I Am the Resurrection | Pastor Rodney Amos
2023-05-28 I Am the Vine | Pastor Rodney Amos
2023-05-21 Dressed To Impress | Pastor Michael Kerber
2023-05-14 I Am the Way | Pastor Rodney Amos
2023-05-07 Teach Us to Number Our Days | Pastor Chelsea Newton
2023-04-30 Life or Death Decision | Pastor Michael Kerber
2023-04-23 I AM the Good Shepherd | Pastor Rodney Amos
2023-04-16 I AM the Bread of Life | Pastor Rodney Amos
2023-04-09 Walking Free | Pastor Rodney Amos
2023-04-02 Empowered Not Devoured | Pastor Michael Kerber