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Children's Church Sign-up

Below you will find the link to register for Children's church.


During registration you will be asked if you agree to the terms and conditions listed below. A copy for your records is also linked below.


I hereby acknowledge that participation in Children’s Church at Faith Journey Church of the Nazarene (hereinafter “FJC” and/or “activity sponsor”) involves risk to the participant minor and to the participant’s parents or guardians, and may result in various types of injury including, but not limited to, the following: sickness, exposure to infectious/communicable disease, including, but not limited to, the novel coronavirus COVID 19, bodily injury, death, emotional injury, personal injury, property damage, and financial damage.

In consideration for the opportunity to participate in Children’s Church at FJC (the “activity”), the undersigned parent/guardian of the participant minor acknowledges and accepts the risks of injury associated with participation in the activity. Further, the undersigned parent/guardian of the participant minor accepts personal financial responsibility for any injury or other loss sustained during the activity as well as for any medical treatment rendered to the participant that is authorized by FJC or its agents, employees, volunteers, or any other representatives (collectively referred to as the “activity sponsor”).

Further, the undersigned parent/guardian of the participant minor hereby releases any and all claims against and promises to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the activity sponsor for any injury and/or damages arising directly or indirectly out of the described activity, whether such injury arises out of the negligence of the activity sponsor, the participant minor, the
parent(s)/guardian(s) of the participant minor or otherwise.


If a dispute over this agreement regarding any claim for damages arises, the parent/guardian of the participant minor agrees to resolve the matter through a mutually acceptable alternative dispute resolution process. If the parent/guardian of the participant minor and the activity sponsor cannot agree upon such a process, the dispute will be submitted to a three-member arbitration panel for resolution in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.

By signing this document the parent/guardian of the participant minor acknowledges that this document is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Nebraska and agrees that if any portion is held invalid, all remaining clauses of the document will continue in full force and effect.

I, the undersigned parent/guardian of the participant minor, hereby affirm that I have read this document, that I am freely signing this document and that I fully understand that by signing this document I am giving up legal rights and remedies which may be available to me.

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